



Sky9 Visas Shortlists Universities Based on the Following Criteria

Ranking of Institution

While ranking methodologies vary among institutions, they offer valuable insights into the quality of an institution. Sky9 Visas consider these rankings when selecting universities.

Accreditation of the Institution

This is a crucial factor in our university selection process, as it reflects the institution’s quality and degree recognition. Sky9 Visas ensures that we apply only to recognized and well-accredited institutions.

Academic Percentage (Last Qualification)

This is a significant factor as it reflects the student’s performance in their field of study, serving as the foundation for further studies at the university.

Scores in Entrance Exams (GRE/GMAT/SAT/TOEFL/IELTS/PTE)

We consider both English Proficiency exams (TOEFL/IELTS/PTE) and other prerequisite exams (GRE/GMAT/SAT). Universities often have strict English language requirements, and GRE/GMAT/SAT scores are considered alongside academic performance.


We consult with the student’s parents to estimate their tuition fee budget. During shortlisting, we ensure that the selected universities align with the budget.


We take into account the student’s preferred location within the chosen country and strive to select universities in proximity to that location.

Opportunities for Scholarships/Assistantships

We inform students about potential scholarships, assistantships, or tuition waivers offered by universities and guide them through the application process.

Campus Safety

Ensuring the safety of students is a top priority. We thoroughly assess the safety records of the city, university, and surrounding areas to ensure a history of safety without violence.


Ensuring the safety of students is a top priority. We thoroughly assess the safety records of the city, university, and surrounding areas to ensure a history of safety without violence.

Opportunities for Part-Time Jobs

We cater to students looking for part-time job opportunities while studying. In the USA, we focus on campuses with on-campus job opportunities, while other countries offer off-campus options.

Feedback from Existing Students and Alumni

We maintain connections with current students at selected universities to provide prospective students with real-time feedback and insights about the institution.



We provide information about the prevailing weather conditions in the chosen location, as extreme weather can be a significant consideration for some students.

Our university selection process is comprehensive, taking into account various factors to ensure the best possible fit for each student’s academic and personal preferences.

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